Any kind of support helps us to restore woods.

Our online tree-shop is set up (more trees to come soon) - GO TO BUY!

You can also still support us by transferring money to the organisation's account. We like easy - you pay and within a month you will know where your tree is/will be planted.

1. buy online by clicking on a tree or transfer funds to BE21 8939 8481 5403 - Mention your email-address in the message

2. You receive the location of your tree(s) through 3-word coordinates (within 30 days)

3. Go to, fill in the code(s) to find where your tree is planted


 On the world wide web, planting trees costs anywhere between five and one hundred euro, depending amongst other things on where the tree is planted, whether the land on which the tree is planted is to be bought and whether the tree needs a lot of care to thrive.


 At Selvagem.woods we more or less arbitrarily set the price of a planted area of 3 X 3  m at 25 euro. This would be more or less 1 tree. Sadly, not all trees planted will survive. In case your tree doesn't make it, the area you have sponsored to be planted should in any case be in the shadow of another tree, planted very near to where yours was planted!

 In case you want to compensate for flying, there's a myriad of calculators telling you how much trees to plant, none of which will give you the right number. Any tree planted will help though, just like every flight averted!